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2013年8月21日 星期三

[筆記]EJB - Common system exception

ExceptionTransaction StatusNotes
The following exceptions are the basic exceptions
EJBExceptionMay or may not have been marked for rollback.Not possible to determine whether EJB method has executed or not.
Error may have occurred during communication with, or processing in, the EJB.
RemoteExceptionMay or may not have been marked for rollback.See EJBException.
The following exceptions indicate that the transaction has been marked for rollback and will never commit.
EJBTransactionRolledback-ExceptionRolled back or marked for rollbackSubclass of EJBException.
EJB invoked using EJB 3.1 view and EJB executing in client's transaction.
TransactionRolledbackLocal-ExceptionRolled back or marked for rollbackSubclass of EJBException.
EJB invoked using EJB 2.1 local client view.
TransactionRolledback-ExceptionRolled back or marked for rollbackSubclass of RemoteException. JTA standard exception. EJB invoked using EJB 2.1 remote view or web service view.
The following exceptions indicate that an attempt was made to invoke a method that require a client transaction without the client having a transaction context.
These exceptions usually indicate an error in method transaction requirement declaration(s).
EJBTransactionRequired-ExceptionNo transactionSubclass of EJBException.
EJB invoked using EJB 3.1 view.
TransactionRequiredLocal-ExceptionNo transactionSubclass of EJBException.
EJB invoked using EJB 2.1 local client view.
TransactionRequiredExceptionNo transactionSubclass of RemoteException. JTA standard exception.
EJB invoked using EJB 2.1 remote view or web service view.
The following exceptions indicate that an attempt was made to invoke a method on an EJB object that does not exist.
NoSuchEJBExceptionRolled back or marked for rollback.Subclass of EJBException.
EJB invoked using EJB 3.1 view.
NoSuchObjectLocal-ExceptionRolled back or marked for rollback.Subclass of EJBException.
EJB invoked using EJB 2.1 local client view.
NoSuchObjectExceptionRolled back or marked for rollback.Subclass of RemoteException.
EJB invoked using EJB 2.1 remote client view.

